Maciejka TRB04-10-00-0 Ginger Handbag
It is widely known that the Maciejka brand likes to surprise with its designs that always stand out from other brands' designs. Matching colors, playing with structures, unusual shapes - these are the elements by which you will easily recognize this brand. What we love the most about this brand is the fact that we use the best quality materials at a relatively low price. Satisfied customers are the basis, and designers Maciejki burst with pride knowing that they met the expectations of the most demanding customers. The presented bag is proof of the unique products of the brand. It was made of natural nubuck leather with an original scales structure in a beautiful red color. The front of the bag has been additionally decorated with smooth beige nubuck leather. Thanks to this, the bag is not only a boring bag, but a real masterpiece. One might thing that depending on its arrangement it is like two different bags. In the first version, we have short handles, where the total length of the bag is significantly longer. We can wear it holding it in your hand or in the forearm. The second option that visually reduces the purse is to bend it roughly in half, which creates the impression that the bag was closed on the flap. There are holes in the bend where a long strap is attached. It allows us to put the bag over the shoulder. The maximum length of the strap is 108cm. What form we would not choose, the bag offers us a lot of space, like a bottomless sack. Inside you will find one zippered compartment, located about halfway up the bag. It can easily contain documents or keys. On the front we have an additional loose pocket, and just above it another - quite large, zippered. The overall dimensions of the bag are 34 cm / 60 cm / 11 cm. The bottom was slightly strengthened because the designer did not want to lose its sack character. The finish also includes a logo stitching that is beautifully displayed on the front of the bag. You don't have to talk or write much about this model - it delights at first sight. The color will perfectly match the spring stylizations, but it certainly has far greater horizons in front of it.
24-month warranty